Karmil Cardone

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Born in Potenza in 1985, he studied at the Art Institute of Potenza before graduating in History of the Visual and Performing Arts at the “La Sapienza” University in Rome. In 2014 he moved to London, in the Brixton district, where he oriented his artistic research toward experimenting with aesthetics as a language. Winner of the artist residency “Basilicata Out” 2015, he was bestowed the “Passione Italia” Special Prize in 2012 and, in 2010, he received the “We Own the Night” Award in Treviso, the “Grappaimage” Award in Verona, and the “Arti e Mestieri” Award in Potenza. In 2015 he won the Ca’ Zanardi Artist-in-Residence programme in Venice, where he focused his artistic research on light as a means to know truth and overcome the materiality of things. More recently he moved to Taormina, Sicily, to steer his photography toward grasping harmony in nature. He has exhibited extensively in Italy and the United Kingdom. The Enigma of the Real and Broken Memory, the photographs he is
displaying at Yevaran, stir imagination in the viewer as they evoke realms that appear to lie behind the visible.

Memoria scomposta

Digital photography on paper
60 x 40 cm

L’enigma del reale

Digital photography on paper
60 x 40 cm


is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.

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