Viale XXIV Maggio, snc
85013 Genzano di Lucania (PZ) Italia
+39 09711562398
+39 348 582 9 789
9th March - 31st May 2014
The artist shows her flair by expressing, through canvas, her own vision of the world as she desires it and how it really is. In her artworks she is constantly searching for truth, hidden between a futurist vision and pure classicism in the trait used. The exhibition, reviewed by the director of Porta Coeli, Aniello Ertico, allows the research on innovative graphic elaboration techniques connected to research on Man’s anatomic features collocated in spaces.
Anna Maria Moramarco
Born in Matera, she has made a job out of her passions, such as architecture and painting. She lives in Potenza, where in 2003 she founded and directed “Materia e Memoria” for some time, XIX-century-art oriented gallery. In 2012 she held personal exhibitions at the Ugo Ferranti gallery of Rome and at the cultural association “Vera”, Zina d’Innella’s art, Bari. In 2013 some of her works were shown at the Art Fair in Berlin.
is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.
Viale XXIV Maggio, snc
85013 Genzano di Lucania (PZ) Italia
+39 09711562398
+39 348 582 9 789