"Presences and Absences" - Rima Almozayyen's painting solo exhibition - Venosa

2nd to 10th August 2014 – Pirro del Balzo Castle

Saturday the 2nd August at 6:00 pm, "Gesualdo" hall, in the XV century frame of Pirro del Balzo Castle in – Venosa, the opening of the painting solo exhibition “Presenze e assenze” by Rima Almozayyen will be held. The initiative, promoted by Comitato Porta Coeli with the patronage of the Municipality of Venosa, aims at informing once again about life conditions of the Palestinian people. The opening will be followed by a press conference, during which video arts made by the artist will be projected. The exhibition will be on show until 9th August.

In order to allow thoughtful discussion, the press conference will be open to dialogue with visitors and it will be possible to meet the artist. During the conference, the person in charge of Culture at the Municipality of Venosa, Maria Carmela Sinisi, the director of Porta Coeli Aniello Ertico, dr. Fiorella Fiore (art critic) and dr. Sonia Gammone will contribute with their speeches. During the evening, donations may be done to benefit the needy layers of the Palestinian population, thanks to an artwork donated by the artist for the occasion.

Well known in Palestine, Jordan and Egypt, Rima Almozayyen has been in charge of Talents at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture, member of the General Union of Configuration of Palestinian artists, member of the Gaza Art Contemporary Convergence, and in charge of Arts and Culture at the Cairo Palestinian embassy. In Italy, she participated in a number of exhibition and contests, and in the X International Biennial of Rome as a finalist, in January 2014.


02 August 2014




is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.

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