"Seal of de/signs" - Salvatore Comminiello's solo exhibition

26th November 2016 - 15th January 2017

Venosa (PZ) – Porta Coeli International Art Gallery closes the intense 2016 with a suggestive exhibition leading to the new year’s scheduled activities. The opening of the exhibit titled “Sigillo di/segni” will be held on Saturday 26th November 2016, 6:30 pm. The exhibition halls at the second floor of the historic Palazzo Rapolla, situated behind the square dedicated to the poet Horatio, will be filled with the colours and shapes used by the artist to leave his constantly becoming creative mark, by means of his signs. A number of speeches will take place during the evening: Aniello Ertico, Director of Porta Coeli International Art Gallery, Giovanni Cafarelli, publisher of the specialized art magazine “Sineresi”, Melanie Zefferino, curator of the Florence Biennale. The artist will attend the opening.

Born in Potenza, where he lives and works, Salvatore Comminiello symbolizes a never-ended epoch: together with the other artists gathered around the art magazine “Perimetro” he was able to bring art produced in Basilicata beyond the limits of the local dimension and allow it into a national artistic context. Many have been the group exhibitions wherein he took part. In 2011, he participated in the 54th Biennale di Venezia – Italian Pavilion, Basilicata Region section.

Salvatore Comminiello’s solo exhibition opens also Porta Coeli’s activity as Publishing House: the catalogue of the exhibition “Sigillo di/segni” is the first work published as Porta Coeli Publisher, in the Art section. Inside, contributions by Aniello Ertico, curator of the foreword, and Melanie Zefferino adding critical review.

The new Porta Coeli’s activity fosters the gallery’s mission in the promotion of humanistic culture and any form of art. Aniello Ertico writes in the foreword: "Commiello’s art indicates how life itself may be one’s most faithful companion. He seals his signs, protects and exalts them, feels the discomfort of the received gift and praying realizes to be still in debt, so he never asks, he prepares the next panel". The artist himself defines creation as a prayer, a private dialogue with God. Melanie Zefferino ends her review: "Comminiello’s art with all its constellations of signs and symbols offers ancient and new points of reference to help us orientate into a still unknown world".

Live music by Toni De Giorgi Trio during the opening.

Enjoying the patronage of Florence Biennale, the exhibition “Sigillo di/segni” will be on show until 15th January 2017.


26 November 2017


2016, 2017


is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.

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