Viale XXIV Maggio, snc
85013 Genzano di Lucania (PZ) Italia
+39 09711562398
+39 348 582 9 789
4th - 19th August 2017
On Friday 4th August 2017, 6.30 pm, at the Exposition Space in Vaccaro place (Filiano) the opening of the exhibition “Preghiere di luce. Le icone byzantine del Monastero di Lepanto” will be held. The event is organized by Porta Coeli International Art Gallery in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Filiano and under the moral patronage of the Municipality of Filiano. The visitors will admire unique certified artworks as a world-exclusive chance. Since 2012 the Monastery of Nafpaktos, most qualified for icon production in the world, has chosen Porta Coeli for icons display and promotion. The exhibition features two sections: the icons painted in the Monastery of Nafpaktos and those by Mr. Gustavo Luis Costanzo. The opening will be attended by the Mayor Francesco Santoro, the Pro Loco vice-president Donatella Oppido.
Speeches will be held by Antonio Saluzzi, person responsible for the Porta Coeli’s Sacred Art Section, Aniello Ertico, Director of Porta Coeli International Art Gallery and final remarks by Councilor Aurelio Pace.
Vito Pace, member of the Pro Loco Filiano moderates the meeting.
After the opening, the exhibit will be available to visitors for free from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am 1:00 pm and 5 pm – 7 pm.
is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.
Viale XXIV Maggio, snc
85013 Genzano di Lucania (PZ) Italia
+39 09711562398
+39 348 582 9 789