"Sôma Pneumatikón" – Salvatore Laurenzana’s photography solo exhibition

21st May - 9th July 2017

On Sunday the 21st of May, 6.30 pm, the photography solo exhibition by Salvatore Laurenzana, titled Sôma Pneumatikón, will be opened at the Porta Coeli International Art Gallery’s premises in Venosa. Following the great success of the latest painting exhibitions, the gallery has returned to photography with a surprising exhibition, as it can be understood reading the title.

Thirty diptychs, sixty artistic photographs have been displayed as an exhibition path across the gallery contemporary art section. During the opening, a number of speeches will be held: Aniello Ertico, Director of Porta Coeli International Art Gallery, Melanie Zefferino, Curator of the Florence Biennale.
As far as the authorities are concerned, Nicola Valluzzi President of the Province of Potenza and Tommaso Gammone, mayor of Venosa will held their speeches. The artist will attend the opening as well.

The opening will see French-Algerian actress Nadia Kibout performing a piece.

Salvatore Laurenzana’s photography suggests emotions and sensations touching the deepest layers of the observer. The title Sôma Pneumatikón, from greek “spiritual body” suggests a fine theme connected to Man’s spirituality that has nothing to do with religion, but touches the most inner parts of humanity with images resulting ethereal and real at the same time. The thirty diptychs on show relate trees and bodies on stage in a sequence of figurative assonances of great impact.

Salvatore Laurenzana, photographer and video maker, lives and works in Potenza. For years, he has been working in the field using the photographic and audiovisual instrument as a bridge to visually explore and interpret aspects of life and knowledge. Collaborating with architects, landscape architects, philosophers, sociologists, poets, actor and theatrical companies, musical and cinematographic festivals, has become a visual interpreter of concepts and themes or documenter of events connected to festivals and cultural initiatives.

Porta Coeli International Art Gallery returns to photography with an exhibition full of suggestions and deep narrations that will lead visitors towards a real philosophic journey into the images.

Having the moral patronage of the Florence Biennale, Salvatore Laurenzana’s photography solo exhibition “Sôma Pneumatikón”, will be on show until 9th July 2017.


21 May 2017




is not merely a place: it is an avant-garde idea generated and nourished in an Italian province, quite far from huge capitals.

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